In a computer tech forum I often browse, it astounds me (though not really..) the amount if linux users out there that have absolutely no idea. Myself being a linux user once too, until ek grasped me from the clutches of that beast. Then became a 'born again BSDer'. Thanks again ek.
Anyway, back to my whining. One of these things that drives me crazy about these linux users, is the inability to use the "search" function of a forum. A typical example is "Whats a good linux distribution for a newbie?". Now granted, a new user to the whole forum might not realise how they work. However, for people who post such a thread, when they have been using that forum for quite some time is lunacy. Don't you think that someone (if not somehundred) users have posted that kind of thread before? And don't you think that would probably be the most asked question on the entire linux forum? For them obviously, 1 and 1 don't equal common sense.
Another question which has come around more recently is "What would be a good linux distro for an AMD64?". These people obviously have no idea about what they are getting into. ALL linux distros come with the same kernel. Of coarse they don't all come with the same version of the kernel, but AMD64 has been supported since 2.6.something and that's what most of these people are running. All they got to do is recompile their kernel with AMD64 support.
Just needed to get that off my chest. Even more evidence that linux IS for bitches.
PS. I know this probably should have gone in the Computer->Linux section...but meh.