#1 The OS is too expensive to be practical
#2 it has become such a standard MOST people in a business environment that is not technical/web related are stuck with it.
#3 business practices. They give away computers with windows on them to schools, which is nice, but they are enforcing their monopoly by training people from the get go to use their product only.
#4 They release s<b>***</b> software with NO regard to the security of their users data, they do this to help market other products the come bundled with m$ as trial ware with newer machines.
#5 not only do they KNOW they have bugs in their code, they recently LEFT the notation on the unresolved bugs inside the source code which was incidently very thoroughly reverse engineered.
#6 Intentionally uses more resources than needed in order to help market hardware for companys which in turn only sell bare bones or windows installed.
#7 Bill Gates actually stole the rights to microsoft's original windows OS from his co-worker that he developed it WITH. If you buy something from a thief its supposed to be cheaper isnt it? hehe
7 (I'm lazy) reasons not to pay for m$ wares.
7 (I'm lazy) reasons not to pay for m$ wares.
When I grow up I want to DIE so I can be reincarneted as a child. They have all the fun.