My sister in law's computer is saying it has a virus in the C://WINDOWS/System32/awtss.dll file. I'm having trouble researching the driver to see if it's crucial for Windows XP Home Edition or not. Any insight would be greatly appreciated!
Eh. Viruses suck. But, there are a few things you can do I'm sure. Just a quick search on Google turned up a few things. I'll post the URLs so you can check them out. If they don't help, maybe posting a bit more information about how you found the virus, what its name is (Via Norton/AVG/etc... Whatever the virus scanner reports it as) and if there are any other processes running that shouldn't be... But, here ya' go:
[url] ... 29416.html[/url]
[url] ... 24196.html[/url]
If those don't help, let me know. I'll see if I can dig more stuff up with more info.
Good luck!
[url] ... 29416.html[/url]
[url] ... 24196.html[/url]
If those don't help, let me know. I'll see if I can dig more stuff up with more info.
Good luck!