Forum reset.

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Posts: 231
Joined: Mon Sep 20, 2004 3:38 pm
Location: Denver, CO.

Forum reset.

Post by eekay »

I'll start off by appologizing to everyone for losing everything you've done. I did something stupid while I was upgrading the forums apparently. So, [b]I'M SORRY[/b]!

However, now that I just stuck with the upgrade and said f<b>***</b> it, the forum should be a load more stable than before. Posting should be easier and the forum setup is much better for browsing. Let me know what you think about the new look/feel and any suggestion or comments can be posted in it's rightful section of the TKC Forum.

If anyone would like to get more forums or sub-forums added, don't be afraid to let me know.

Again, I'm sorry for losing everything all you people worked on. I'm a moron.

Janky Jay III

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